Title: Birth Certificate Ian Stephen Munro. Object C:\Users\Master\Dropbox\Family Historian Projects\Family Historian Sample Project\Family Historian Sample Project.fh_data\Media\Certificates\O20_Birth_Certificate_Ian_Stephen_Munro.png. Report is for Anthony Edward Munro and Julia Amanda (Fish) Munro and Susan Isabel (Dowling) Munro Anderson Ian Stephen Munro is the FH File Root so that seems more logical. Something I noticed is that FH exports a Gedcom 'for' Anthony Edward Munro and Julia Amanda (Fish) Munro and Susan Isabel (Dowling) Munro Anderson but the Gedcom File plugin exports a Gedcom 'for' Ian Stephen Munro and Charlotte (Carrington) Munro. ), Place Record 0 Gedcom 5.5.1 Lat/Long ( Str AGS FTM etc. Export Gedcom File 5.0 plugin with all GEDCOM Destination = (CEB) Custom Export Bravo GEDCOM 5.5.1, Witness Role 2 _SHA%u: Keep Custom Tags ( FH6 FTA etc. ), Place Record 0 Keep Custom Record ( FH6 GST FTA ) ), Place Record 0 Delete Record Ident ( RMT TNG ) Export Gedcom File 5.0 plugin with all defaults File | Import/Export | Export from FH with unchecked Source Template Records and checked Convert note to plain text Mike, I ran several tests for comparison: If you want the settings to be the same in all Projects then on the Manage Settings tab choose Global ProgramData mode. Note that the settings are remembered from one run to the next.

If the Place record details are in error then try the plugin again but with the following setting:Įxtra Options tab, 4th down on right Place Record 0 Keep Custom Record ( FH6 GST FTA )Īlternatively, try setting Place Record 0 Gedcom 5.5.1 Lat/Long ( Str AGS FTM etc. Use that GEDCOM file in Behold Genealogy and review the features.Įspecially look for Media images, Fact Witness details, and Place records with Lati/Longitude values.

\Public\Export\ folder as before but the GEDCOM will have a CEB UTF8 suffix. Return to the Basic Options tab, use Click here to export GEDCOM & Media files. )Ĥth down on right Place Record 0 Delete Record Ident ( RMT TNG )

On the Extra Options tab change the following two settings:Ĥth down on left Witness Role 2 _SHA%u: Keep Custom Tags ( FH6 FTA etc. On the Basic Options tab set the GEDCOM Destination: to (CEB) Custom Export Bravo GEDCOM 5.5.1 Run the Export Gedcom File plugin as usual. If all goes well then try your own Project later. It may be best to run these experiments on the Family Historian Sample Project that I know has the necessary features and it is easier for us to compare notes regarding specific data. These are my suggestions for exporting a Behold Genealogy compatible GEDCOM file with Media.